Sunday, December 27, 2020


Your homework:

Freestyle to Nicki MInaj's "Truffle Butter" instrumental.

Then "One Of Those Nights" (EminemxEdSheeran).

Then this.

See me when you see me.




Ya undastand?


#LittleGirl's Daddy(s)

...and like...

Lose this lil nigga, please?


The Sun

Jesus, be a fence.
The Voice of The Devil.

We will regain Los Angeles.

New York will love Las Vegas.

Arizona is us.



Fort Hood Set

Bully at your own risk.

["see? that's what I'm talkin' about!"]


The Black David Bowie


The White Curtis Mayfield




A VSxCH update

If anything, I do my thing with graphic design.

I don't want to say "I miss you".

Baddie's gonna kick my butt...


Stepford Sensibility


What do you do when someone loves you and haven't seen you at your worse, and you're at your worst?

[on the phone with Baddie; she dead JUST called...]


BemBemBem-Bemp, Bem-Bemp-Bam!

Another new challenger!

lol much love, Mr. Brown.



{Kev Brown, w/ the #GED}


Back to the Future

A young master.

I don't want to be seen as a biter of you.

There is already Kanye and Ryan Leslie.

Much love.

You kept your word, #CatholicP.
I just hope I came correct.

Plus, #Check2 Space Cowboy and Tubby.



Love your reflection.

Know yourself.
Know your worth.




Please show respect, like you're talkin' to your moms.


Black Enterprise

If you ain't doin' it like them, you ain't doin' shit.

Love and respect due.
Which means, feel the glares and growls.



Cardiovascular Shutdown

Junior Dreau
Shady Sanders

West, Midwest, East.

No matter how much, it's never enough.

Turn 'em up.
Turn it down.

I know y'all ain't sleepin', out there.


Goth forgive 'em/y'all.


Bible Study

King James Version

New International Version

Influence must not be denied.
Temptation is love, provoked.

Rearrange your styles.

Back to reality.


New member

Introducing Jim Carrey.


#QuazarImage to be revealed, soon.

Squad up.


Friday, December 18, 2020

Behold The Lamb

MiJack Tha Baby

The Only thing to come between us.

We must protect Tha Baby.

We love you, MJ!!!


Thursday, December 17, 2020


You may call me Stinger.
Or The Stinger.

CH loves you, Taurus!!!


Grad School

Douthit the Prophet
Moses Alchemist
Uncle Jeff
Tia Doomie
CH or J.R.
Thing 1 and Thing 2


Happy Hollowdays.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Arrests hurt


Do you have difficulty controlling your temper? Does your anger come out in unhealthy ways that could hurt others as well as yourself? Anger is a powerful emotion that can lead to serious problems in your relationships and career if left unbridled. Learn more about your ability to manage it by taking this anger test. It's designed to evaluate the manner in which you approach and handle anger-inducing situations.

Examine the following statements and choose the answer option that best applies to you. There may be some questions describing situations that may not be relevant to you. In such cases, select the answer you would most likely choose if you ever found yourself in that type of situation. In order to receive the most accurate results, please answer as truthfully as possible. After finishing the test, you will receive a brief personalized interpretation of your score that includes a graph and information on the test topic.


Half the battle...

You are making love a business.

God, what do I do from here?

Bless 'em, Jesus.

The Devil makes me feel so good...



New King James Version.



No Cuomo.


Don't be stupid.

You know I love you.


The Jamaican Rihanna

Her parents must be proud.



Honor my sacrifice.
Honor my sacrifices.
Please don't abuse my love.

Let's grow, #mypeople!








Live forever.




The Witch's Peid Piper

There are beatmakers.


There are DJs.


And there are Vibemakers. I sound sexy saying "Hi-Tek" when on one of his joints.

Shouts to Jonell.

A lotta dimes, mane.


The Tru Oracle

The last voice you hear on "This Perfect Life".

I stand as a witness.

Thank you, darlin'.

Be well.


Coffee and Corn Flakes

Daddy loves you, TBird.

You're the biggest star in the world to me, DeeDee.

Drum on(!) LilDrummurBoy!

I'm dooinit, tchyall!!!
